The Empath’s Survival Guide


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This practical, empowering, and loving book was created to support empaths through their unique challenges and help loved ones better understand the empath's needs and gifts. Dr. Orloff offers crucial practices, including:

- Exercises to help you identify your empath type and where you are on the empathy spectrum
- Tools for protecting yourself from sensory overload, exhaustion, addictions, and compassion fatigue while replenishing your vital energy
- Simple, effective strategies to stop absorbing stress and physical symptoms from others and protect yourself from narcissists and other energy vampires
- How to find the right work that feeds you
- How to navigate intimate relationships without feeling overwhelmed
- Guidance for parenting and raising empathic children
- Awakening the empath's gift of intuition and deepening your spiritual connection to all living beings

For any sensitive person who's been told to "grow a thick skin," here is a lifelong guide for staying fully open while building resilience, exploring your gifts of depth and compassion, and feeling welcome and valued by a world that desperately needs what you have to offer.

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