Incense Moldavite - 12 Sticks


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Article number: MM003
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Special blend of essential oils and Real Moldavite. Actual Moldavite is added during the application of oils producing a very strong energy output during burning. 

A beautiful fragrant incense with the energy of moldavite. Great for dream-work to enhance vision work and aid in transformation. 20 sticks

Known as the star born stone of transformation moldavite is silica based deep green gemstone of extra-terrestrial origin, formed by a meteorite that hit the earth 15 million years ago in Moldavia and belongs to the Tektite family. It fell over what is now called the Moldau River valley in Czech Republic. These green Gems are among the rarest minerals on earth. They have been prized by humans for thousands of years and are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. In legend, it is believed Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one's spiritual evolution. This truly cosmic gem stands for transformation allowing us to access blocked negative emotions that have been stored up in the limbs and joints that restrict our growth and make us grow old and week. By working with moldavite we can release these traumatic experiences from the past enabling us to empower ourselves in the present. It speeds up spiritual awakening and progress and opens up the mind for universal thinking far beyond one's own personal interests. Moldavite is a powerful emotional healer for the heart and helps to magnify the healing properties of others gemstones. It is said to help us contact intellectual beings from other solar systems so that we can increase our knowledge and understanding of how the universe works. Moldavite is great to work with for dreams, enhancing them, making them more lucid and giving us a more detailed recall that we can use the lessons learnt in the dream time to improve our everyday life. With all this in mind moldavite must be used with respect and full consciousness as it will bring about changes that are best for us, where our spiritual development is concerned, in the true respect of the word. The key note is transformation. Chakra: works directly on the third eye Ajna and heart Anahata chakras.

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